Race Against Alzheimer's Disease

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Your contributions to Bubba Bear's RACE AGAINST ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE provides the funds to help with finding a cure of ALZ!

Alzheimer's Disease is a mentally disabling illness that effects over four million elderly persons today.  It has been reported that without a cure for ALZ's Disease, by the year 2025 the number ALZ's victims could reach 16,000,000.

Together, we can get a grip on Alzheimer's Disease by supporting the research of a cure!


Bubba Bear's R.A.A.D. program:

If you know of a person that is the victim of ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE, you may sponsor them by donating FIfTY DOLLARS or more to the RACE AGAINST ALZHEIMER's DISEASE and Bubba Bear will send that special person a RAAD GIFT PACK on your behalf!  The gift pack will include a TALKING BUBBA BEAR, A BUBBA BEAR LOLLIPOP and a LETTER FROM BUBBA BEAR offering encouragement!