RACC Program
RAAD Program
Talking Bubba
Contact Page
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Bubba Bear and BRANDI (Bubbette), would like to introduce you to Bubba's favorite PALS!
Bubba Bear's Favorite PALS:
All of Bubba Bear's PALS have made a contribution to the RACC, RAAD or OAAS programs in one way or another!
To show our appreciation of your support, Bubba Bear has added a link below in recognition of your support to our very worthy efforts!
A great big BUBBA BEAR HUG to :
- Coach Glanville has donated advertising space on his #81 GMI ARCA SERIES racing cars on several occassions. Jerry Glanville is a proud supporter of Bubba Bear's charitable campaigns! http://www.coachglanville.com
- The folks at LAID BACK RACING have been very supportive of Bubba Bear's campaigns and have published articles on their site that encourage race fans to support Bubba Bear's programs! Thanks RACE MAMA!http://www.laidbackracing.com
- The members of RACE FANS UNLIMITED are great supporters of Bubba Bear's RACC, RAAD and OAAS campaigns! Thank you RACE FANS for all that you do!http://www.racefans.fanspace.com
- Paul and Glenda of BestLifeInt.com have become strong supporters of Bubba Bear's campaigns... and during 2005 will donate a portion of any sale that is made through this link! Be sure to tell them BUBBA BEAR sent you to them! Bubba's favorite frozen dessert is Soyalicious... try some today! Chocolate and Vanilla... YUMMY for YA TUMMY!http://www.bestlifeint.com
- Vaughan Penn and Bubba Bear made a jingle together for the folks at BestLifeInt.com and she has allowed Bubba Bear to promote his programs around her concerts across NC! A special Thank you to Vaughan Penn! Buy her lastest CD - Transcendence by visiting http://www.vaughnpenn.com
- Links to more stuff.
- Links to more stuff.

Bubba Bear's Favorite Entertainer:
- Links to more stuff.
- Links to more stuff.
- Links to more stuff.
What do you think?
Let me know what you think by signing my guest book.